Wildilocks is now located @ 808 Hay St Perth, and is stocking a huge range of alternative fashion including Ministry of Style, New Rock Boots, Tezka, Strange Monster, Threadless, Evanova, Equinox, plus more to be announced!
Wildilocks is now stocking Knotty Boy Dread Stuff Instore! Coming soon to the online shopping cart – but feel free to email if you need some urgently and I’ll see what I can do!
Also my email enquiries have increased exponentially over the entire time I’ve been running Wildilocks, I’m now very very busy just keeping up with current orders, and am sometimes not getting to enquiries as fast as I would like, as there are SO many! Please be patient, I’m not ignoring you, I’m just seriously snowed under! All enquiries will be answered in turn, urgent enquiries will be answered earlier when possible. If you are in Perth Australia, please phone the shop during opening hours with your enquiries, especially if wanting to enquire about in-person services.
Please also note that if you’re making a general enquiry about extensions not being done by Wildilocks, or looking for recommendations of other extensionists in different parts of the world, I do not currently have time to answer these queries right now. Thanks!