All the donations that have been pouring from all over the world to Christchurch have been truly amazing: there has been over $10 million dollars donated to the Red Cross, as well as countless other drives.
Our NZ branch has been trying to think of a way we can help that is more personal, as we’re up in Wellington where life has been going on pretty much as usual. So, if you’ve arrived in Welly some time in the last week as a refugee from Christchurch, we’d like to help you get a little bit of normal back in your lives, by offering you a free haircut. It’s only a little thing, but we hope it may help a few of you who’ve been suddenly displaced and wondering what to do next.
Please call 04 8033239 to make a booking, and we apologise for the necessity but we will need to see proof of address as this is an offer for genuine Christchurch resident refugees only.
Thankyou to all customers and suppliers who have expressed their concern over the past week. We will be observing 2 minutes silence today @ 12.51pm for those affected by #eqnz : we hope you are too, wherever you are in NZ or the world.